How to Make a Podcast Feed From Blogger

Create free podcasts with blogger

Use your Blogger account to make a Podcast feed that can be downloaded into "podcatchers."

Skill level: Intermediate


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Create a Blogger Account

Podcast part 1 Screenshot

To get started, create a Blogger account. Create an account and create a blog in Blogger. It does not matter what you choose as your username or which template you choose, but remember your blog's address. You will need it later.

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Adjust the Settings

Go to Other settings Screenshot
Enable enclosure links.

Once you've registered for your new blog, you need to change the settings to enable title enclosures. 

  1. Go to Settings >Other > Enable Title Links and Enclosure Links
  2. Set this to Yes.

If you are only creating video files, you do not have to go through these steps. Blogger will automatically create the enclosures for you. 

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Put Your .MP3 in Google Drive

Get the link in Google Drive Screenshot

Now you could host your audio files in many places. You just need enough bandwidth and a publicly accessible link. 

For this example, let's take advantage of another Google service and put them in Google Drive.

  1. Create a folder in Google Drive (just so you can organize your files later).
  2. Set the privacy in your Google Drive folder to "anyone with the link." This sets it for every file you upload in the future. 
  3. Upload your .MP3 file into your new folder. 
  4. Right-click on your newly uploaded .MP3 file. 
  5. Select Get link
  6. Copy and paste this link to a Blogger post. 
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Make a Post

Tag your post Screenshot

Click on the Posting tab again to return to your blog post. You should now have both a title and a link field.

  1. Fill out the Title: field with the title of your podcast.
  2. Add a description in the body of your post, along with a link to your audio file for anyone who isn't subscribing to your feed. 
  3. Fill out the Link: field with the exact URL of your .MP3 file.
  4. Fill out the MIME type. For a .MP3 file, it should be audio/mpeg3 
  5. Publish the post. 

You can validate your feed right now by going to Castvalidator. But just for good measure, you can add the feed to Feedburner. 

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Go to Feedburner

Go to, and on the home page, type in your blog's URL (not the URL of your podcast.) Check the check-box that says I am a podcaster, and then click Next.

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Give Your Feed a Name

Enter a feed title, which does not need to be the same name as your blog, but it can be. If you do not already have a Feedburner account, you will need to register for one at this time (registration is free).

When you've filled out all the required information, specify a feed name, and press Activate Feed.

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Identify Your Feed Source on Feedburner

Blogger generates two different types of syndicated feeds. Theoretically, you could choose either one, but Feedburner seems to do a better job with Blogger's Atom feeds, so choose the radio button next to Atom.

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Optional Information

The next two screens are totally optional. You can add iTunes-specific information to your podcast and choose options for tracking users. You don't need to do anything with either of these screens right now if you don't know how to fill them out. You can press Next and go back to change your settings later.

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Burn, Baby, Burn

The feed page in Feedburner screenshot

After filling out all the required information, Feedburner will take you to your feed's page. Bookmark this page (t is how you and your fans can subscribe to your podcast). In addition to the Subscribe with iTunes button, Feedburner can be used to subscribe with most "podcatching" software.

If you have correctly linked to your podcast files, you can also play them directly from here.

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Your Citation
Karch, Marziah. "How to Make a Podcast Feed From Blogger." ThoughtCo, Dec. 6, 2021, Karch, Marziah. (2021, December 6). How to Make a Podcast Feed From Blogger. Retrieved from Karch, Marziah. "How to Make a Podcast Feed From Blogger." ThoughtCo. (accessed May 8, 2024).