How to Find Old Friends on Facebook

Yes, you can find old friends on Facebook

What to Know

  • Increase the odds of finding old high school friends by adding high school photos to your profile.
  • Add any former or maiden names to your About section so people can locate you easier.
  • Consider creating a Facebook group for your graduating class, so everyone has a specific place to keep in touch.

The best thing about Facebook for those of us who have been out of school for a long time is the ability to find old friends. The platform gives us the opportunity to make amends, rekindle old friendships, or find a lost love.

How to Find Old Friends from the Past

You went your way and your best friend went their way. Somewhere along the way, phone numbers were lost. You had no way of finding each other again. And then came Facebook.

All you do to locate an old friend on Facebook is enter their name into the search field. If they are on Facebook and still have the same name, you should be able to find them.

Facebook find old friends

There are several ways to improve the search results, as well as ways to make your profile more visible to any friends who may search for you.

  • Share photos with the Facebook photo album.
  • Add photos from high school to your Facebook Albums, as well as current photos or photos of your kids.
  • Add any former or maiden names to your About section so people can better find you.
  • Consider creating a Facebook group for your graduating class. This is a great way to keep in touch, send out notices, and get everyone in one place.
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